Software, OS, Services

Apple invents a 'Transferrable Interface' for iDevices that could control public device interfaces like an ATM without touching Germ-Riddled buttons

1 cover - Apple Patent report - controlling a device interface via an iDevice to not touch public buttons with germs

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An Apple patent describes Group FaceTime adding a twist of virtuality to make conversations appear more natural in the future

1 cover - Possible Future FaceTime Conferencing using Gaze Controls+

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Apple invents a new User Interface for use with a Future Blood Pressure Cuff device to assist users create an ongoing Health Journal

1 cover blood pressure cuff

Continue reading "Apple invents a new User Interface for use with a Future Blood Pressure Cuff device to assist users create an ongoing Health Journal " »

Apple invents a Sketchbook App for iPad that will allow a user to merge sketches with Realworld photos


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A new Apple Invention covers Hand & Eye Tracking plus technology that could be used in a Motion Capture Studio & Animated Movie Set

1 cover Apple patent on full body avatar movements

Continue reading "A new Apple Invention covers Hand & Eye Tracking plus technology that could be used in a Motion Capture Studio & Animated Movie Set" »

An Apple ID Credentials System for checkpoint security at airports shows a deep link to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

1 cover epassort

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Apple won 88 Patents on Tuesday with one for an AR Ride-Hailing System that assists both drivers & passengers better ID each other

1 x iPhone with Ride-Hailing apps

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Apple wins a hot Patent for a Universal Control-like extension allowing devices to seamlessly share content directly when creating a document


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An Apple Patent reveals a developing user authentication framework covering Digital ID, Driver License and ePassport

1 x cover - ePassport related image

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Apple Wins a patent that supports the rumor they're developing their own Search Engine that could replace Google

1 x cover 2 - Apple search engine patent report  Patently Apple

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Apple's Patent covering the new HomePod Mini's ability to Recognized the Voices of Household Members has Surfaced

1 XCOVER FINAL - YAEL GARTEN  Director Siri on HomePod Mini

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

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Apple Reveals more of their Smart Home Plan in 6 Patent Filings covering Multi-User Devices in a Connected Home+

1 cover smart home series of 6 patents

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Apple Invents an audio testing feature that sets a user's audio comfort in the form of a 'Personalized Audiogram'


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Apple Wins Patent Related to their upcoming Apple Watch Fitness+ Service while filing for 'Burn Bar' Trademark

1 Cover Apple Fitness+ Image  patent

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Apple Invents Future AR Glasses app allowing users to compare products side-by-side like Pharmaceuticals & more

1 x Cover comparison reading vs smartglasses app to the rescue

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A new Apple Patent Reveals yet another Dimension to their Gigantic Security ID Credentials System In-the-Works

1 x Cover Digital ID Secure Credentials system

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Apple Patent Reveals a Developing Security ID System tied to a National Database to assist Brick and Mortar Merchants & more

1 Cover Security ID for brick and mortar Merchants and beyond

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The U.S. Patent Office reveals Apple's acquired Gaze patent from Germany and a 'Messages' Editing Patent from Denmark

1 x cover smartglasses

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Apple Patent Filing shows a Mac editing the Bokeh effect of an iPhone photo + reveals a new iPhone case with Magnets

1 X cover new iPhone case WITH MAGNETS

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Apple Invents a Distinct Underwater Mode User Interface for when the iPhone is operating underwater

1 Cover Apple's underwater mode UI invention

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One of Apple's ARKit Related Inventions has come to light covering the 3D scanning Process on an iPhone

1 X Cover Apple patent for 3D scanning process with an iPhone

Continue reading "One of Apple's ARKit Related Inventions has come to light covering the 3D scanning Process on an iPhone" »

Apple Wins Patent for Assistive-Centric Technology that allows Motor-Impaired users to Navigate a Device's UI

1 X cover ian mackay take photo with an iPhone using voice and switch control

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Apple Invents 'Trackpad Mode' for iDevices that will provide advanced editing Techniques for Microsoft Office & Apple's iWork Apps

1 x iDevice - new Trackpad Mode editing

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Future iPhones will use Blazingly Fast Line-of-Sight Device-to-Device Communications for Sharing Photos, documents and more

1 Cover line-of-sight Optical Communications System for iDevices

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