Projection Related
Apple continues to work on a possible next-gen Modular Computing System to provide users with a higher quality user experience
Apple is working on an XR game playing system using FaceTime that will allow multiple users to participate on using various devices
Apple has won a Major Patent for a Projection System for Macs and other devices like a Lamp to Capture and Project 3D Images & more
Apple wins a patent for an Advanced iMac with multiple Projectors that could project content onto walls & desktop areas
Apple has Invented a new Face ID Depth Mapping and Projection System for the iPhone that is more Compact
The new Reduced Apple Notch Design for iPhone 14 may be due to Apple's use of a new Patent-Pending Light Folded Projector
Apple Patent Reveals an Improved Depth Mapping Scanning Engine for use in Future Devices
Apple Invents an Interactive Laser Projection System to work with a Desktop, a mixed reality Headset & in Presentations
Apple Patent Reveals a Next-Gen Mobile Device that Features Multiple Projectors to Project images of a Keyboard for input and more
Apple Wins Key Patent for an In-Air Gesture Recognition System for a Future 3D UI for Controlling Various Devices
Apple files a Continuation Patent in Europe that Presents a Major Update to their PrimeSense 3D Scanning Invention
Apple won 54 Patents today covering their TrueDepth Camera System for Face ID and Future Hover Gesture Sensing
Apple Patent Reveals Eye-Tracking & Near Infrared Camera Systems behind their Future Mixed Reality Headset
A Euro Patent Reveals Apple is working on an 8K Foveated Micro-Display for a Head-up Display, iDevice and beyond
Apple Envisions Tabletop & Ceiling Versions of their TrueDepth Camera for Mapping Rooms & Projecting Images
Two Apple patents surfacing today cover a 3D Mapping Projector & the new Apple Store Glass Door System
Apple Updates their Futuristic Home Automation System that Replaces Physical Room Controls
Apple Advances Projection System for Possible Future In-Air Gesturing Feature for iDevices & beyond
Apple Wins a Patent for a New 3D Camera Accessory & Desktop Stand with Virtual Projection
Apple Invents another High-End 3D Optical Mapping System for Computer Vision and Beyond
Apple Wins Patent for a Photonics Optical Projection Module
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Apple Wins Patent for a Projector System Designed for Controlling Games on iDevices via Gestures
Apple Invents a Digital Pen with Dynamic Visual Indicators
While Apple's late CEO Steve Jobs wasn't a big fan of the "dumb stylus" of yesteryear when he first introduced the iPhone back in 2007, he knew that one day the technology would give rise to an advanced iPen that would finally provide iDevice users with true to life writing capabilities on an iPhone or iPad. While Microsoft, Samsung and others have offered digital pens for many years, Apple has been quietly working on an advanced digital pen. Their R&D in this area has been extensive as you'll find reviewing our smart pen archives. Today the US Patent & Trademark Office published yet another patent application from Apple regarding a digital pen. This invention adds dynamic visual indicators such as a battery indicator and more. Apple also hints that they could add a projector to this new pen. As one of Apple's longest standing projects to date, there's still hope that one of these days we'll see what a smart pen could really do.
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Apple Granted a Patent for an Entirely New Class of Computer
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 51 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today. In this particular report we focus on a possible revolutionary next generation computer that Apple describes as an entirely new category of computer based on projection. Apple's patent application first surfaced in 2010 and Patently Apple was first to cover it. Apple has illustrated an interest in projection systems over the years with most of them being a bit of a mystery. One describes a wild projection system that utilizes a 3D interactive space. Another describes an advanced 3D holographic projection display. We recently learned that Apple's Tel Aviv research center is reportedly working on sensing technologies specializing in three - dimensional analysis of body and facial movements and conversion of computer activity when they acquired PrimeSense last month. Whether Apple's "future" computer system will incorporate a number of their patent pending ideas into one device is unknown at this time. The envisioned computer system may also be able to advance Apple TV, which opens up a whole dimension of new possibilities.
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Apple Reveals Cool Depth Perception System with a Unique Laser Projection Keyboard Feature for iDevices
On January 31, 2013, the US Patent & Trademark Office published twenty patent applications from Apple and the most intriguing of all relates to their invention concerning a new depth perception system. While Apple has worked on "presence detection systems" before relating to MacBooks and iDevices, this new system goes beyond mere detection. For instance, in one application, Apple describes the new system integrated into an iPad that would be able to project a laser based keyboard onto a table. That would definitely be considered a wow-feature that could excite consumers. Of course, that's if they actually get it to market before the completion steals their idea, which is highly likely.
Whoa - Apple Wins a 3D Display & Imaging System Patent Stunner
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 13 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today and one was a real stunner. Today's report focuses on this advanced 3D display and imaging system that packs one hell of a wallop. Apple's patent covers a wild 3D system that could generate an invisible space in front of the user that could allow them to work with holographic images or project their hands onto a screen in front of them to manipulate switches or move pieces of virtual paper or parts of a presentation. One could only image how this could be applied to 3D gaming, business or medical applications in the future. This is Apple's second major revelation about such an advanced 3D system and many supporting patent applications would suggest that the system is progressing quite well in Apple's research labs. The good news, is that future iOS devices will be one of the drivers behind this new beast. This is definitely one of Apple's coolest ideas to date.
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Apple Reveals Big Plans to Integrate Projectors into iOS Devices +
On August 11, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a grand patent application from Apple that reveals their plans of integrating mini or pico-like projectors into future iOS devices while introducing a likely projector accessory for MacBooks. Apple has been working on this idea for some years now. In June 2009 Apple first hinted that they would one day integrate a projector system into iOS devices. In March 2010 Apple's broad patent application came to light concerning networked projection systems and later in April 2010 we learned that Apple's research teams had begun working on integrating a projector into a MacBook. Today's incredibly detailed patent application reveals how they're working on pico-like projectors for iOS devices and how these projectors will work with a shared workspace in presentations. Apple's patent even details how they'll introduce advanced gesturing that will be able to interpret shadow and silhouette gesturing associated with presentations in a darkened environment. The level of detail associated with this patent would suggest that Apple's development teams are moving full steam ahead on the projection system project which will further push the likes of Apple's iPad into the enterprise.
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Apple Keeps Advancing Mini Jacks & Projectors for MacBooks
Yesterday, the US Patent Office published close to 35 patents for Apple and overnight we've dug up a few more interesting ones that we just couldn't get posted in good time. In today's patent report we're going to show you how Apple is advancing on two interesting market fronts. The first involves reinventing the Mini Jack for future wearable and miniature portable devices while the second involves pico-like projectors for portables like the iPhone and MacBook. The patent even hints of home theater and television systems. Curiously Apple is building an interesting portfolio of projector patents that seem to be inching their way to market ever so slowly.
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Apple Surprises us with iTravel for Cruise Line Services
Apple first introduced us to their iTravel App in April of this year which packed quite the punch. In July, Apple followed up with two new iTravel services relating to Airline and hotel services and the travel industry went wild on this news. Today, Apple's next iTravel direction takes us to the cruise line industry. Apple knows that researching and putting together a cruise itinerary could be a daunting experience for consumers. Trying to figure out where to go, what excursions and/or off-shore activities to take or sifting through an endless list of cruise line services, could be intimidating. Planning a cruise with Apple's iTravel for cruise lines will greatly simplify that process from pre-cruise to post-cruise. Apple's future iTravel app will take advantage of NFC and location based technologies to enhance your cruise line experience with such services as social networking, interactive ship maps, the ability to purchase onboard tickets to shows or restaurants and even to act as a universal remote to control in-cabin electronics and climate control. Apple's latest patent even surprises us with a very strong hint of providing a future iPhone with a pico projector so as to possibly enhance your travel experience by being able to show off your excursion iMovies to an audience.
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Apple Wins a Patent for a Futuristic 3D Stereoscopic Display & More
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 17 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today. The notables within this group include two iPhone related User Interface designs, another for their Mini DisplayPort and others relating to iTunes and their fantastic LED backlit displays. Yet one of the star patents that were granted to Apple today, is definitely one that involves a futuristic 3D stereoscopic display. Is Apple whetting our appetite for a possible future 3DTV system? Here's to hoping that Apple could actually one day deliver something beyond a little black box called Apple TV.
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A New Patent Describes Apple's Next Great Thing
Could one of Apple's Next Great Things be a Desk-Free Computer? I'd like to think not – but Apple seems to think that it could be and I'm not about to challenge their thinking on this one. They've been right about the iPod, the iPhone and over time – I think most of us know that their iPad is headed for the history books as well. With the iPad not even a week old yet – it was nothing short of amazing to read Apple's visionary statement that they "may provide an entirely new category of computer system as compared to desktops and laptops." In fact, Apple went even further by stating that "such an approach may allow the computer system to be a desk-free computer." There's no doubt that this has a certain Apple flair to it that could eventually lead us back to Revolutionary Road. Yet before we get there, I fully expect this to be controversial for some time to come.
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Apple Illustrates Pico Projector Coming to MacBooks
On March 19, 2010, Patently Apple presented a special report titled "Apple Files a Mysterious Projector Patent" which provided an overview of pico projectors coming to Apple's media players, future MacBooks and a possible new product which would combine a pico projector with Apple's AirPort Extreme. Others saw it as a natural for Apple TV and all in all, pico projectors will be for work and play. In today's patent, Apple's R&D team all but confirms that pico projectors are indeed coming to future MacBooks and details a sweeping overview of the system in a patent published yesterday. The patent also generally confirms rumors of HDMI coming to Macs – being that pico projector based MacBooks list this as a possible feature.
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Apple Files a Mysterious Projector Patent
In June of 2009 Apple tried to bury the fact that they had begun preliminary R&D on integrating Pico Projectors into future iPhones and/or other Apple media players - but Patently Apple broke the news. Nine months later a new mysterious projection system patent has emerged. After careful review, we're now able to see that Apple is taking their pico projector research and development to the next level. Apple is now exploring multiple avenues of incorporating pico projectors into their hardware which includes a new and very intriguing application.
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Apple Mages Working on Augmented Reality Magic
Over the last year, a number of very interesting Apple patents have come to light concerning various technologies that at the time of their publication were simply seen as islands of information unto themselves. Yet in hindsight, I can now see that yet another major Apple trend has emerged in 2009, that of Augmented Reality. I didn't recognize the extent of Apple's involvement in this area of technology until I had read a recent report filed by Nikkei Electronics Asia on this very subject. Once I saw the examples that were being presented in that report, the related Apple patents were easily recognizable. This report takes a peek at the magic that the Cupertino Mages are now conjuring up for us in future products and wonder if we're not actually looking at the beginning phases of some kind of new sixth sense.
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Future iPhones Will Gain Pico Projector, Videoconferencing & Advanced Content Sharing
On June 4, 2009, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals one of the next chapters for Apple's iPhone. Apple reveals that rich two way communications will be included in a future iteration of the iPhone that will allow users to finally transmit and/or share a selected tune, a video of your own or perhaps one from YouTube, a voicemail, podcast, photo and/or document to each other, all in real-time. Apple also clarifies that the iPhone will offer ichat (videoconferencing) and yet leaves the door open for other communication devices; perhaps a future iteration of Apple TV or future smartbook - or should I say iBook. That would be an interesting development, especially for enterprise users. Yet in another striking twist, this patent reveals that an iteration of an iPhone could provide enterprise users with the ability to use the iPhone as a mini projector. But it could likewise be a blast just between friends as you'll discover.
Apple Working on 3D Holographic Projection Displays
On March 20, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a new patent application of Apple's that reveals they're working on a next generation 3D Holographic-like display system. In one application, Apple's display system would automatically authenticate a user, greet them and provide a customized desktop for just that user. Something along the lines of how new computer car systems will adjust the seat and controls for a particular driver. The Holographic-like displays are based on a projection system and in many cases the impression given is that these systems would apply to applications as diverse as video conferencing, scientific modeling, entertainment and perhaps even forensics. Think of the TV show "Bones" and their use of a device called holographic "angelator." One of the unique aspects of this invention is that users won't be hassled with 3D glasses or headgear of any kind.
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