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Apple's Head of Security set to return to work after Bribery Charges against him were dismissed in Court late yesterday

1 x cover Apple's head of security


In November Patently Apple posted a report titled "Apple's Head of Security Indicted in Santa Clara County for making Illegal Donations to the Sherriff's Office to gain a Weapons Permit." Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen said at the time that undersheriff Rick Sung and sheriff's Capt. James Jensen withheld four gun permits for Apple employees until Apple's security official Thomas Moyer promised to donate 200 iPads worth $70,000.


Last night the Washington Post reported that the bribery charges against Apple's head of security Thomas Moyer were dismissed by the judge in the case, who cited a lack of evidence.


But California Superior Court Judge Eric S. Geffon said in an order Tuesday that the grand jury “could not have reasonably concluded that Moyer had a corrupt intent” because Moyer did not act “wrongfully to gain an advantage.”


Moyer had been taking a leave of absence from his job at Apple, according to his attorney, Ed Swanson, and plans to resume work in the same role at the company following his exoneration.


“We believe that the criminal grand jury — the 19 citizens who heard direct evidence and from witnesses in this public corruption case — correctly indicted Mr. Moyer for bribery. We stand by the grand jury’s decision and are evaluating our options,” Santa Clara District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in an emailed statement.


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