Apple has Launched their Updated 13" MacBook Pro with Magic Keyboard, Faster Performance & Double the Storage
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This Thursday Microsoft will Introduce their next-gen Xbox Series X Console at a Live Event

1 x cover xbox series x


Serious video game players will be able to see the Microsoft event this Thursday on 'Inside Xbox' where they'll unveil their next-gen Xbox Series X gaming console powered by their custom designed processor leveraging AMD's latest Zen 2 and RDNA 2 (Radeon DNA 2) architectures.



The new system on a chip (SOC) has been built from the ground up for speed and performance, with 12 teraflops of processing power and with compatibility in mind for four generations of games. It's designed to deliver 4K gaming at 120 FPS with  1TB custom SSD. It's also 8K ready.  See Microsoft's full overview of the X Series console here.


UbiSoft is scheduled to demo their latest game during Microsoft's event. Assassins Creed Valhalla will be ready for holiday 2020 sales.



10.3 - Patently Extra News


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