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It Appears that Apple's 'Touch Bar' is Copying Heavily from Microsoft's 2010 Adaptive Keyboard Concept

10.0 NEWS -


In 2010 Microsoft’s Applied Sciences Group sponsored the Student Innovation Contest at UIST. Microsoft's webpage notes that their 2010 contest was focused on an experimental keyboard that they were working on. Once you watch Microsoft's 2010 video below, you'll easily be able to see that someone at Apple borrowed this idea for their new MacBook Pro Touch Bar.



So how did Microsoft describe their Adaptive Keyboard? They noted that it was "a research prototype developed by Microsoft Hardware to explore how combining display and input capabilities in a keyboard can allow users to be more productive. The keyboard incorporates a large, touch-sensitive display strip at the top. In addition, the display continues underneath the keys, allowing the legends to be modified in real time. This lets you do things like change the character set to a different language or display command icons."


The video goes into much more detail and you can't view this video without seeing how Apple took this idea for their new 'Touch Bar.'


If this was Samsung copying Apple I'd be mocking them, loudly. So it's a little difficult to honestly review the video and not see where the inspiration for Apple's Touch Bar came from. This is clearly a borrowed idea and not an original.


In plain view the concept is identical. I don't think Microsoft patented this invention or concept and perhaps that's what gave Apple the idea of running with it. But as much as I'd like to pretend there's no resemblance to Apple's Touch Bar – I can't. And though Apple will bitterly deny it, the video speaks for itself.


What's your take on Microsoft's Adaptive Keyboard vs. Apple's Touch Bar?


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