The UN's High Commissioner Opposes Judge Pym's Order to Unlock the Terrorist's iPhone
Law Enforcement Groups Submitted an Amicus Brief Claiming that Criminals have now made the iPhone their 'Device of Choice'

Former Secretary of Homeland Security thinks that a Forced GovtOS would be Equivalent of a Bacteriological Weapon

10. 05 SNAP NEWS -

1 af cover - michael chertoff


During a keynote panel discussion yesterday, the former Secretary of U.S. Homeland Security Michael Chertoff noted that forcing Apple to write an operating system so it can try to break into the iPhone used by a terrorist is the computer code equivalent of building a biological weapon. Chertoff specifically stated that "Once you've created code that's potentially compromising, it's like a bacteriological weapon. You're always afraid of it getting out of the lab." The 'creation of code' is a reference to what Apple dubbed the 'GovtOS' in their motion to Judge Sheri Pym on Feb. 25, 2016.


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