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Initial Statistics for ABC News Live Video on Apple TV are Fantastic

1af Apple TV on ABC stats
A new infographic published today details the initial results of ABC Live Video being on Apple TV and they're fantastic. According to ABC infographic, "Users watch 50% more ABC live video on Apple TV than on desktop and mobile combined." The research also uncovered that "viewers spend 65% more time per visit on Apple TV than on the desktop." The research further revealed that 9pm E.D.T. is primetime for Apple TV usage. See the infographic below for more on this development.


The First 30 Days of ABC News on Apple TV



We reported in June that "Bringing ABC's Live News to Apple TV is a Monumental Move," and Last week we noted that "Apple TV Quietly adds CNBC and Fox Now Channels." Today's statistics are very positive for Apple and it should lead to more channels coming on board over the next year. For more on ABC news on Apple TV, see ABC's webpage.


Are you using any of these channels on Apple TV? If so, what's your take on them? Are you using Apple TV more due to these channels? Send in your comments below.


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