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Apple's iBeacon Technology is being adopted by UK's IPC Media and Tesco-Owned One Stop Convenient Stores

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In May we reported on Duane Reade Inc. testing out Apple's iBeacon technology for it New York drugstore and convenient store chain. Today it's being reported that IPC Media, the publisher of magazines including Chat and Woman, will next month run the first UK-wide campaign using the Bluetooth beacon technology that Apple pioneered in its stores.


The campaign, in partnership with the Tesco-owned One Stop convenience stores, will deliver offers for discount magazines to people who have opted in to receiving offers from either One Stop or the technology company Appflare.



Katharine Challinor, the retail sales director at IPC Media, said: "We are incredibly excited to launch a wide-scale campaign promoting our brands via iBeacon technology. The technology will give us an innovative new way to interact with our readers, at the point of sale, in a way that we know will be timely and relevant."


Appflare uses licenced Apple iBeacon technology as noted in our graphic above. It's the same technology used at all Apple Stores – though it works with Android phones as well.


Appflare hopes to expand the rollout to 500-odd independence convenience stores in London by mid-September, with more shops in Birmingham and Manchester following on.


Owen Geddes, the chief executive and founder of Appflare, said: "This is the first time our beacons have been used, so our targets are in the tens of thousands – but we'd hope to reach hundreds of thousands by the end of the year and beyond.


Geddes added that "We're not looking to ramp it up at breakneck pace, as we've got to get the user experience right."


For the record, Tesco PLC is a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer headquartered in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. After Walmart, it is the second-largest retailer in the world measured by profits and the second-largest retailer in the world measured by revenues. It has stores in 12 countries across Asia, Europe and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK (where it has a market share of around 30%), the Republic of Ireland, Malaysia, and Thailand.


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