Samsung Announces Major Health Related Event on May 28
Apple's developer conference, known as the WWDC, begins on June 2, 2014. It's here where Apple's rumored Healthbook may debut as well as the allusive iWatch along with a health related "Watch Utility" app for a future version of iOS. In an effort to upstage any possible Apple announcement regarding a health related product, Samsung sent out invitations to a major health related event to be held five days prior to Apple's big event. Our report will show you one of the possible products that could be discussed at this event.
Noted above is a screenshot of an iPhone with a "Watch Utility" that will supposedly be coming to iOS, according to Techradar.
Engadget, who received and reported on their Samsung event invitation, interestingly noted that the invitation came from Samsung's Semiconductor arm and that "it could be about forthcoming sensors and components."
That's an interesting observation and the timing of this is very interesting considering that yesterday a Samsung patent application came to light at the US Patent Office. Many of Samsung's patent applications filed in the US are behind those filed in Korea, so the inventions could already be in the pipeline.
For example, we reported on Samsung's proposed "radial menus" for smart devices on August 27, 2013 only to see it debut several days later.
Yesterday our Patent Bolt site reported on one of Samsung's latest inventions regarding a stretchable antenna as part of a chip that could be incorporated into the fabric of sports clothing and smart garments in general. Samsung mentioned it could also be applied to medical applications.
We also noted in yesterday's report that this past January Samsung and UC San Francisco, one of the world's premier health sciences universities, announced a partnership to accelerate validation and commercialization of promising new sensors, algorithms, and digital health technologies for preventive health solutions.
Obviously great progress must have been made on this front if they're rushing this event in prior to Apple's. Otherwise they'll be the laughing stock of the industry.
Until that time, it should be noted that Samsung's new Guerrilla marketing strategy of timing some of their events just prior to Apple's is a means of riding into and disrupting Apple's wave of free publicity. This isn't the first time that Samsung has done this and it definitely won't be the last.
Samsung's reputation of being a guilty copycat and fast follower is something that they're desperately trying to shake off. One way to do that is to continually introduce products rumored to be coming from Apple just days prior to an Apple event in the hopes of foiling a shining Apple moment.
However, the thing is that this strategy has yet to succeed. They rushed a dumpy half-witted watch to market last year which turned out to be a train wreck of a design just days before Apple was "supposed to" deliver "the rumored" iWatch. Their plan back fired and the industry laughed at them.
So why are they going to try it again? Well, Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I think that says it all.
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