An Obscure Rumor points to Apple Secretly Shipping Sapphire
The "Obscure Analyst" blog that's run by Matt Margolis is reporting today that Apple has shipped small quantities of sapphire from their plant in Arizona to one of their partnering plants in China. Margolis, who owns stock in Apple's sapphire plant partner GTAT, believes that the sapphire is for future iPhone covers even though Apple's CEO clearly stated that the sapphire is for a secret project. Margolis is convinced otherwise for reasons unknown.
The good news is that it's proof that Apple is moving their mysterious project forward, whatever it is. Yet for now, I'll stick with Tim Cook's view of what the sapphire is really for, which isn't for iPhone covers.
To review the entire report which talks more about Apple's new sapphire furnaces than anything else, click here.
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