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Apple Steps up Hiring in Asia to Launch More Products Faster

10. News
It's being reported today that Apple is attempting to speed up product development and launch a wider range of devices by hiring hundreds of new engineers and supply-chain managers in China and Taiwan for their Shanghai and Taipei offices. Apple has been adding several hundred new engineers and operations staff in China over the past two years, with a blitz of hiring that began in mid-2013. To date, the total number of engineers and operations staff in China now exceeds 600.


The Wall Street Journal reports today that "The hiring push reflects Apple's need for more engineers to work with Asian suppliers on developing components for coming iPhones and iPads as it plans for faster and more frequent product launches.


Apple has been hiring for its main Asian base in Shanghai, where it moved into a new three-building complex last year. The hiring push also comes as Apple is trying to take a bigger bite out of Greater China, its fastest-growing market in the most recent quarter, and one where the company has high hopes after leading mobile operator China Mobile Ltd.


According to the report, Apple "is juggling more projects than ever against the industry's shortening product cycle. Low-cost rival Android devices are eroding Apple's smartphone market share, and the company is trying to fight back with more devices.


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