Korea's Communications Commission Slams Google for Secretively Collecting Consumer Personal Data
Recently Google's collection of a wide range of user information for customized advertising has been criticized both at home and abroad. The Korea Communications Commission believes that Google is suspected of having collected personal information without authorization in the process of preparing the 'Street View' service, and is scheduled to take an administrative measure against Google at the plenary session next month. Last November Google was fined $17 million on charges of having used Apple's Safari browser to collect personal information in 37 state governments in the United States.
The Korean report stated that "While global Internet companies' invasion of personal information continues to be a problem, it has been pointed out that Google has been using the 'Google global cache (GGC)' server, installed in Korean carriers' Internet Data Centers (IDC) to collect a huge amount of information on Korean communication service users.
A high-ranking communication industry official stated yesterday that "Google installed GGCs in some carriers' IDC free of charge, and uses them to collect a considerable amount of data. The company is utilizing the data for customized advertising, and making profits in the Korean advertising market."
Korea's Electronic Times News noted that it's "been confirmed that SK Telecom has been operating Google's GGC since last November and LG Uplus since February 2012."