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China Central Television Slams Samsung for Faulty Phones

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Last week we reported that Samsung's Galaxy S3 battery problems were now plaguing their S4 model. Today we're learning that Samsung's headaches continued last night on another front. The official China Central Television (CCTV) station aired a 30-minute special report yesterday night on Samsung Electronics, criticizing their "faulty" Galaxy S3 smartphones.

According to a new Asian report, the Chinese state-run broadcaster reported on a series of claims by Chinese consumers that the Samsung smartphones "suddenly went dead" because of memory card-related problems.


CCTV also raised questions over the reliability of Samsung smartphones by airing interviews with repairmen. Ouch!


2 China TV slams Samsung phones Oct 22, 2013 evening news

According to the market researcher IDC, Samsung's market share fell to 18.3 percent in the second quarter, down from the previous quarter's 18.5 percent.

A secondary source confirms the report and added that earlier this month, CCTV aired a program which allocated 15 minutes to slamming the cost of replacing the displays on Samung mobile phones, while the state-run news agency Xinhua ran articles about a Galaxy S4 battery exploding and questioned the reliability  of Samsung phones. 


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Is this news or what? People should boycott Samsung, seriously.

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