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Samsung is about to Experience the Apple Tsunami!

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According to a new report from Asia today, an "Apple tsunami" is impacting on Samsung's logic chip division, cornering top management to implement contingency plans to find new clients as Apple moves to other sources.

In 2011, Samsung agreed with Apple to supply components until the end of 2014. Under the agreement, Samsung will manufacture Apple's logic chips to be used for the upcoming iPhone 5S and advanced iPad until the first half of next year.


According to IC Insights, a leading market research firm, Samsung reported $4.33 billion in revenue by supplying customized applications, last year, with Apple making up 89 percent of them or some $3.8 billion.


Mark Newman at Sanford C. Bernstein in Hong Kong said that going into 2014, Apple will start to use Taiwan's TSMC so Samsung needs to find alternative customers for their own processor chips


Industry sources state that Samsung is eyeing other customers such as Sony and NVIDIA, but the status with Amazon has not reached that level yet. Amazon is developing its own application processors for the core components of its popular Kindle tablets — it previously used OMAP-branded processors manufactured by Texas Instruments. Translation: There's no one yet that's going to fill the void due to Apple's exit.


Something tells me that Apple's exit for logic chips is really going to hurt Samsung this time around – and it's about time.


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You're right. Going from the most technical company on the planet from the 70s and 80s to the world's largest company is pure idiocy! Surely they can learn from "Rob peter to pay Paul" Bezos! Besides, showing a revenue and making a profit are two completely different things. It amazes me how everyone gets shocked at Amazon being able to do anything, because they "obviously" have no profits or revenue.

Samsung's history says it all. You can't trust them

Samsung really hurts themselves stealing from other companies. They have made such a bad name for themselves for those who are aware of their tactics. It's going to get harder for them to find clients who will trust them.

Apparently it's not a bright idea to bite the hand that feeds you.

All they have to do is give a foundry requirements . It's not rocket science or even computer science but it makes good propaganda.

Good point Constable Odo, Amazon have so many companies and it seems they are all making money or break even and I wonder how did Bezos do it.

It seems Wall Street don't question the miracle that is Amazon.

Amazon is developing it's own application processors?!!! Seriously. No wonder that stock stays so high. They're not turning much in the way of profits and yet they can do something like that. Amazon is able to do so many different things thanks to Jeff Bezos. Yet Apple has all that reserve cash sitting around doing nothing and they can't figure out how to spend money to increase share value. That Timid Cook is really something else. Apple management really needs to learn how to expand their revenue stream.

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