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Is Samsung Copying Apple's Earphones? It sure looks like it

1. Is Samsung Copying Apple's Earphone's - It sure looks like it
Apple was granted two patents covering their earphones with remote and mic back in 2011. The first was granted in January and the second in March of that year, the very month and year that Samsung just happened to file for a patent that mirrors Apple's product. Is Samsung trying to copy Apple? You be the judge.


Comparing Earphone Patent Figures  


2. Samsung invention mirrors Apple's earphones

4. Apple's patent fig. 6 - volume up, down with phone functionality


By juxtaposing a key patent figure from Samsung's current patent application against one of Apple's original granted patent images you can clearly see that Samsung is once again trying to copy yet another Apple idea. There's not much to argue about here. 


One of the key points that Apple made at trial was that Samsung was 'slavishly' copying the iPhone and iPad designs. It now appears by this latest Samsung patent filing that it's just a philosophy that Samsung lives and dies by, a philosophy that says that copying is okay; that getting caught is just the price for doing business and a  means of staying ahead of their competition. A philosophy that Korea's KDB Daewoo Securities thinks is what makes Samsung so brilliant and successful. It's all about being blindly defiant.


Blind Defiance


After Apple's patent infringement lawsuit victory was handed down, Samsung stated that the "verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices."


I don't even understand that kind of logic that's basically saying that if we can't copy Apple quick enough, if we really have to innovate, then it'll take us longer to get our products to consumers and cost them more because we'll have to actually patent more stuff - and that's all Apple's fault. It's simply blind defiance. But their fans feverishly lap it up.


The Tea Party of the Tech Industry


3. NBC Poll on Apple's victory over Samsung


If you think that Samsung's being defiant, then you should take note of their fan base that manifest equal zeal. It''s no secret to insiders that the Samsung-Google-Android fan base is certainly a boisterous one that will vehemently disagree with anyone or any source that gives Apple any credit for any innovation. To them, Apple stole everything that has made the iPhone and iPad a success. They're in many ways the Tea Party of the tech industry. After Apple's legal victory, NBC posted poll results to the question "Do you agree with the outcome of this case? The results of the poll showed that almost two-thirds of the votes disagreed with the verdict. Yet the types of comments that were found on the posting clearly indicated that those voting against the verdict were simply die-hard Android fans and not your average reader. Distort reality, why not?


Androiders are also the ones that are constantly yelling that the patent system is broken because Apple is allowed to patent everything under the sun. Really now – then why is it that Samsung was the number two patent filer in the world in 2011 while Apple ranked thirty-ninth? Isn't Samsung trying to protect their ideas like Apple is? Of course they are and that's why I call the core die-hard Android fans the Tea Partiers of the tech industry. Facts just don't seem to matter. It's really all about senseless anger and wacky arguments: The louder, the better!  


While I can truly state that I appreciate Samsung's innovative side, the fact is that I agree with the verdict that the jury handed down against Samsung. Likewise, when I see a patent application like the one noted above, I scratch my head and say, here they go again.


At the end of the day, Samsung may in fact be copying Apple's earphones but it's just not worth Apple's time to drag them in to court over. Apple knows where their profits are and what they will and won't go to war over. Apple's war cry will never be summoned for their earphones. It's just not going to happen. But at least we'll know for the record that Apple's point of Samsung slavishly copying their products goes beyond iDevices.


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If Apple would SELL a license to their IP, they might be possible lol.

I'm OK with Darren, even if i'm not an Apple lover. I think Apple's products are good but i really don't like the closed system they made.

In the third graphic of this report I listed what Apple's earphone features were and I see that Samsung is doing the very same thing by their primary patent figutre. The control is in the same area and the very 3 things that Apple's earphones do, Samsung copies. Did Samsung add a fourth feature to distinguish their product from Apple's? No. Did they add touch to the earbuds or anything to differentiate their product from Apple's. No.

What do you mean by copying?

Just a note that our Comments area will back up tomorrow morning.


"Xerox didn't patent the mouse and windows before Apple "borrowed" those ideas..."

That myth again? Apple didn't "borrow" them. They licensed them. With money (or the equivalent of money, stock, which today would be worth 5 billion dollars). And the only reason Microsoft got away with "borrowing" Apple's GUI was due to a very poorly worded agreement between Apple & MS giving MS the license to copy various aspects of the MacOS when writing software for the Mac. In the suit the jury interpreted that agreement as applying to MS writing their own MacOS copy (i.e., Windows).

If Samsung or anyone would just buy a license to use that IP, THEN there would be no difference.

Ha! Really? It's pretty obvious to the rest of the world that Tea Party members are generally non-compromising fanatics that are known to invent facts like Todd Akin did. That's the point of comparison and it's fair. Of course you'll disagree and that's just fine.

Eric and Darren, It's only obvious after someone else brings it to light, like an ah ha moment after some one becomes a millionaire on a simple idea (why didn't I think of that, it's so obvious).

Thanks for your comment Darren, as it confirms my very point about fanatical Androiders being the Tea Partiers of the tech industry. Sorry, but I don't buy into your "I'm an Apple fan-boy" act in an attempt to sound that you're being open minded and fair. Ha, you fool no one with that act! Your argument is typical of the average fanatical Android Camp that I read and hear about daily. So thanks for confirming that crazy Tea Partier position. Apple invented nothinng. Ya, right - ha! Dream on, Darren.

Keep your opinion of the REAL tea party out of this.

Yes! very nicely stated.

I disagree. There has always been borrowing of ideas/copying/imitating/deriving/whatever-you-want-to-call-it in technology just as there is in other creative fields. The state of Apple/Samsung/iOS/Android now is no different than Mac/Windows/Linux was years ago. Xerox didn't patent the mouse and windows before Apple "borrowed" those ideas nor should Apple have done so before Microsoft or Linux "borrowed" them once again. Things like multi-touch/pinch/zoom/scroll are just the mouse of our future. Trying to patent those can only hurt competition and creativity. And just as with the GUI, Apple did *not* invent those there's plenty of "prior art"/prior research and systems using multi-touch. Apple's was just the first to get popular they didn't invent them. And believe it or not I'm an Apple-fan boy I actually do like their products the best. But I think Apple's victory in this lawsuit was wrong patenting obvious ideas (or what really amount to artistic design choices) is wrong.

Well said. There are few things as frustrating as arrogant ignorance; and this is exactly what you'll find in many of the comment sections of tech blogs these days. Like angry zombies all moaning the same fallacious arguments. Unfortunately there's just too many of them, and they seem to overpower truth with their defiant numbers. Be careful not to be bit by one, or you'll become one yourself. :)

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