Future iDevice Cameras will Offer a Self-Timer with a Twist
In this Patent Flash Report we take a quick look at what we all know as a camera with a self-timer. Primarily, a traditional self-timing camera could be used when taking photos of a group or scene, a self-portrait or close-up shots. In Apple's case, you'll first take a photo of yourself so as to alert the camera that you are the "photographer" wanting to be in a picture using the self-timing feature. The iDevice camera will then not take the target photo of a group until you're actually in the picture. Meaning, as you set the timer and then move toward the group you're to be with in the photo, an urgent phone call comes in. The camera won't take the picture, even though it's on a timer, until it has recognized and verified that you're the photographer and that you're actually n place for the photo. Now that's an interesting twist. The only thing Apple doesn't explain is, where's the iDevice tripod? I guess that's going to pop in a future patent. Time will tell.
Apple notes that this feature will be tied into iPhoto. Considering that Apple has just introduced iPhoto for iDevices, this feature is likely being prepared for a future major update to iPhoto for iDevices.
Apple's patent application 20120057039 was originally filed in Q4 2010 by inventors Koji Gardiner, E-Cheng Chang and Jason Rukes.
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