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The Japanese Parliament is likely to Pass new laws aimed at weakening the Apple and Google Store Duopoly


It's being reported this morning that the Japanese parliament is debating a proposed law that would follow the EU's Digital Markets Act and require Apple and Google to open up their respective App Stores to competition.

According to the Japanese Times, the Japanese government is looking to change rules on app markets and payments to stimulate competition. A bill submitted by the administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida would compel the dominant platforms to allow third parties to launch their own app markets and to offer more payment options, while banning the technology giants from giving preferential treatment to their own products.

Japan’s move comes as antitrust authorities in other countries and regions escalate moves to curb tech giants’ market supremacy.

The bill is currently being deliberated in parliament and will likely clear both chambers during the ongoing session, which ends next month.

The bill is intended to facilitate competition in smartphone software services by weakening the control of Apple and Google.The government is taking this action because challenging Apple via antitrust laws takes too much time and ends up in court for years as it's difficult to prove market harm to consumers.

Oddly, the report notes towards the end that "While the bill aims to challenge Apple and Google’s duopoly, it still allows designated companies to reject other app stores if there are serious concerns about security and data privacy." And we know that Apple will definitely play that card to the nth degree.

For more, read the full report by The Japanese Times.

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