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Watch the full news conference regarding U.S. Attorney General's announcement of their Antitrust case against Apple

1-Cover-Antitrust-against-Apple U.S. Attorney General Garland hold news conference after DOJ Sues Apple over iPhone Monopoly

Yesterday, Patently Apple posted a report titled "2024 isn't Starting Off well for Apple as the Hammer of the DOJ is about to Slam them for Violating Antitrust Laws." Today, the Justice Department sued Apple in an antitrust case, saying that the iPhone maker has a monopoly over the phone market that harmed consumers, developers, and rival companies.

Below is a video of the news conference held after the DOJ officially sued Apple. For Apple fans, it will be difficult to swallow as some of their arguments come from the Epic Games-Meta playbook.

Below is commentary by Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter that is likely to anger any real Apple fan:

"Privacy and security is an extremely important value. Competition makes devices and services more private and more secure. Our complaint explains very clearly while the legal exclusionary conduct that Apple is engaged in is not necessary to protect privacy. While the legal and exclusionary conduct that Apple has engaged in is not necessary to protect security and privacy. Our complaint explains that in many instances Apple's conduct has made its ecosystem less private and less secure." 

Do you have any comments on today's news conference, this lawsuit or Johnathan Kanter's commentary specifically on privacy and security being at risk with Apple? I'm sure that you do and I'd love to hear them. Send them in below or on our Twitter Feed. You could also cheer on Apple Legal who will be taking on the government which is siding with disgruntled competitors. 

Below is a full copy of the complaint against Apple filed by the United States Attorney's Office. 

U.S. vs. Apple by Jack Purcher on Scribd

10.0F - Apple News


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