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New Production Trend: The 2023 Apple Watch Ultra will adopt more advanced 3D printing technology for mechanical parts

1 cover Apple Watch Ultra

Ming-Chi Kuo posted his latest research note on Apple late yesterday. Kuo's research indicates that Apple is actively adopting 3D printing technology, and it’s expected that some of the titanium mechanical parts of the 2H23 new Apple Watch Ultra will be made by 3D printing. Although currently the mechanical parts made by 3D printing still have to go through the CNC process for back-end processes, it can still improve the production time and reduce the production cost.

Kuo further noted that in terms of the supply chain for 3D printers used to produce mechanical parts for the Apple Watch Ultra, IPG Photonics is the exclusive supplier of laser components, and the printer suppliers are Farsoon and BLT.

If shipments go well, I believe more Apple products will adopt 3D printing technology, which will help improve production cost and ESG performance in Apple’s supply chain, and the above-mentioned suppliers will also benefit from this new production trend.

10.X - Research notes & Rumors from Ming-Chi Kuo


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