Apple Studios has Launched its First-Ever Apple Studios Directors Program for Mid-Career Directors across the U.S.
Apple Studios has launched its first-ever Apple Studios Directors Program, described as an inclusive, new initiative focused on expanding opportunities for mid-career directors across the U.S, according to Deadline.
The six-month program offers masterclasses focused on building and sustaining a career as a working episodic director. The program also will feature discussions with seasoned industry professionals on the craft and business of directing, opportunities to participate as shadowing directors on Apple Studios series, and a “one-of-a-kind experience” in Apple Park tailored to inspire innovation and creativity.
Successful participants will be positioned to direct content for Apple TV+. Three candidates will be chosen to participate in the 2023 program.
Per Apple, the program “aims to uplift and champion mid-career directors in an environment in which every voice is heard and valued. Directors from under-represented communities and women are strongly encouraged to apply.”
The application portal will open on February 23 at 9 am PST, and close on March 1 at 11:59 pm PST. For more information about the program’s eligibility requirements or to begin an application, click here.
Archive: Apple TV News