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In H1 2022, Apple Watch Attach Rate reached 30% of iPhones in North America, the Highest rate since the original launch in 2015



It's being reported today that the Apple Watch attach rate reached 30% of iPhones in North America through the first half of 2022. This is the highest attach rate for a first half since the Apple Watch launch back in 2015 when Apple sold one Apple Watch for every ten iPhones. This demonstrates the growing popularity of smartwatches in the US market, especially Apple Watches.


The attach rate of Apple Watch to iPhone has been steadily increasing over the years since the launch of Apple Watch in 2015. While Apple Watch has registered a strong share in the North American smartwatch market since its launch, demand was initially limited, as the use cases and value to customers were not immediately recognized. Many saw the device as a fashion accessory rather than as a useful tool that could improve their daily lives. But now, with Apple Watch gaining maturity, the utility of the device cuts across three key lifestyle elements – Fitness, Health and Wellness.


(Click on image to Enlarge)

2 Counterpoint chart


The Counterpoint report further noted that as more hardware has been added and new software features have released, consumers are seeing the value that smartwatches can offer in their daily lives, both in combination with their smartphones and independent of them. Consequently, more and more consumers are opting to buy smartwatches. Apple dominated the 2010s as one of the most important tech companies in the world. Apple Watch will play a key role in maintaining that position in this decade.


To dive deeper into the Counterpoint report, click here.


Beyond North America, the Apple Watch globally reached 18% of iPhone shipments in 2021.


With the new Pixel 7 Watch by Google beginning to ship yesterday, the Apple Watch could be under additional pressure in the coming years.  


10.0F1 - Apple Market Statistics Bar


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