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Customers across the U.S. visiting Apple Stores are now required to wear COVID Health masks

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Customers at Apple stores in the United States will be required to wear face masks to shop as Covid cases rise around the country. Apple said in a statement: "We regularly monitor conditions and we will adjust our health measures in stores to support the wellbeing of customers and employees. Amid rising cases in many communities, we now require that all customers join our team members in wearing masks while visiting our stores."


CNBC reports that Apple previously only required masks in some U.S. stores in regions that required them. Tuesday’s announcement means that Apple will require them for shoppers even in states that don’t require indoor masking.


The reinstatement of the mask mandate raises questions about how normal the holiday shopping season as coronavirus restrictions are put back into place because of rising concern over the Omnicron variant.  


California, where Apple is headquartered, imposed an indoor mask mandate on Monday taking effect later this week.


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