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Apple won 58 of Patents yesterday covering Privacy Glasses, a Bionic Virtual Meeting Room and much more

1 cover Privacy Glasses granted patent report +


The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 58 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. yesterday. In this particular report we briefly cover Apple's IP on "privacy glasses" and a bionic meeting room for virtual meetings. And as always, we wrap up this week's granted patent report with our traditional listing of the remaining granted patents that were issued to Apple yesterday.


Privacy Glasses+


On November 11, patently Apple posted a report titled "Apple advances Face ID to Create Multiple user Profiles while introducing new 'Privacy Eyewear' and more" One key aspect of Apple's granted patent uniquely describes a user wearing "Privacy Eyewear" that will only the owner of the glasses to read the content on a device display, blocking out people around you from peeking at your content.


The patent specifically noted that if a user desires privacy or doesn't want a nearby person to view what is presented on the display, the user may interact with the calibration graphic to make the graphical output illegible. The process depicted, creates a private graphical output that can only be perceived by a wearing of a particular set of glasses.


2 Privacy Eyewear


For more on this either review our November 11th report or review granted patent 11,189,248. Our cover graphic is from this patent.


Communication System with a Bionic Virtual Meeting Room


Apple has acquired a number of German companies over the years with two of them being Metaio and SensoMotoric Instruments who were industry leading companies working on mixed reality technologies, headsets, smartglasses (see video below) and more. This particular granted patent derived from SensoMotoric Instruments Director, Eberhard Schmidt.



The invention covers a lot of ground in the area of virtual meetings both personal and business that would allow PowerPoint presentations and Word documents to be shared in a virtual meeting. The meeting could use avatars or simply go live. The patent dives deep into having cameras and sensor being able to use biometric information to sense eye-tracking, blood pressure, heart rate, skin color, in-air gestures and much more. It's unknown if a virtual meeting would entail a doctor and patient, but the level of biometrics go far beyond a traditional business meeting.


Apple's patent FIG. 1 below is a schematic illustration of a communication system; FIG. 2 a schematic illustration of a communication system providing a virtual meeting room for a plurality of participants; FIG. 4 a schematic illustration of different biometric characteristic and their corresponding virtual representation; and FIG. 5 a flow chart for illustrating a method for operating a communication system.


3 bionic virtual meeting room


There's no use going to deep into to the patent in this report being that it's an acquired patent. However, Apple acquired the company for its advanced technology and IP and it's unknown at this time what patents are of interest to Apple. This particular patent relates to virtual meetings on Macs and future mixed reality headsets.


For those that love technology, it's worth a read as granted patent 11,189,072 covers a lot of intriguing twists, turns and future possibilities.  


The Remaining Patents Granted to Apple Today


4 -  Apple's Remaining Granted Patents for Nov 30  2021 -


10.52FX - Granted Patent Bar


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