Microsoft Surprisingly Announced that they'll Reverse Course in 2022 and support more Repair Shops to Fix their Devices
Apple Files an Appeal in Epic Games Case that could potentially delay changes to the App Store for years

Apple Presented a Rendering of its Planned Regional Headquarters coming to the boarder of Culver City and L.A.

1 Apple Concept expansion for Apple TV+

(Click on image to Enlarge) 


Earlier today Apple announced it will be building  a new regional headquarters at the border of Culver City and Los Angeles, signaling the company’s continued investment in becoming a major Hollywood player.


CNBC reports that "The headquarters will include 550,000 square feet across two office buildings, and will house up to 3,000 employees with teams working on Apple TV+, Apple Music, engineering and artificial intelligence by 2026.


Culver City is a center for film production and is home to the headquarters of Sony subsidiary Columbia Pictures.


Apple’s new headquarters is a sign that the company will continue to invest in creating content for Apple TV+, its streaming service" which is beginning to get some traction after major COVID-19 production shutdowns and delays.


Other renderings and construction site (2019) are presented below from Urbanize


(Click on both images below to Greatly Enlarge)

2 Rendering of building  8777 Washington Boulevard

3b construction of building to house Apple's new facility

Talking about Apple TV+, Apple's new comedy series Acapulco debuts with the first two half hour episodes available.  


11.1FA Apple TV+


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