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Apple Releases a Quick Recap Video of the highlights of WWDC21 Day 2 and more

1 cover wwdc21 -  day 2

(Click on image to Enlarge)


Serenity Caldwell, Apple's Content Director, is back with a quick recap of Day 2 at WWDC21with sessions on analyzing sound, Homework, tvOS while giving us a peek at Day 3 where Apple covers their new AssistiveTouch with Apple Watch and more.



To dive deeper into the sessions mentioned in the recap video, check out the WWDC21 webpage that presents all session videos here.


Below is a brief 5 minute video snippet from one of the WWDC21 Session titled "Apple's Privacy Pillars in Focus" where Lauren, a Privacy Engineer, provides developers with an overview of the new Privacy features that they could built into their apps.



The rest of that session could be viewed here.


There's so much to explore on Apple's WWDC21 Sessions page. Another session of  interest was titled "Out of this World … on to Mars." After a brief introduction to one of NASA's Engineer's background, the video provides some really interesting information about projects now in play at NASA.


It's also a good video for African Americans of all ages to watch as the NASA engineer Tierra Fletcher was proud to share her story and work on the most powerful rocket created in history.  You could jump right to that session video here.  


12 - Special Event Coverage


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