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Apple more than doubled its Autonomous Vehicle Road Tests in 2020 while improving its System Technologies

1 X Project Titan - COVER -


While Apple is years away from revealing their first Project Titan autonomous vehicle, they continue to move their plans forward. It was revealed last week that Apple scored a major hire from Porsche AG. Today we're learning that Apple more than doubled their autonomous vehicle road tests in 2020 as its technology improved, according to a report filed with the California Department of Motor Vehicles.


The company’s cars drove 18,805 miles last year, up from 7,544 miles in 2019. The Cupertino, California-based technology giant also reported 130 disengagements, the number of times a human driver had to take over, up from 64. That resulted in a disengagement every 145 miles, compared with every 118 miles in 2019. In fact, Apple reported a disengagement about every mile back in 2018, according to California DMV data. This suggests Apple’s self-driving technology is steadily improving in these test settings. For more on this, read the full Bloomberg report.


Earlier today the U.S. Patent Office granted Apple another Project Titan patent, this time about passengers being able to communicate with Apple's autonomous vehicle using hand gestures aimed at a specific "interactive zone" to direct the vehicle.


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