Facebook's second Anti-Apple Ad running Thursday is Titled "Apple vs. the Free Internet"
Yesterday Patently Apple posted two reports (01 & 02) on the Facebook vs. Apple war over Apple's upcoming iOS 14 "App Tracking Transparency" feature that is aimed at blocking ad trackers.
Today, Facebook is stepping up its campaign against Apple’s privacy changes with a second full-page newspaper ad. This new ad claims Apple’s iOS 14 privacy changes "will change the internet as we know it," and force websites and blogs "to start charging you subscription fees" or add in-app purchases due to a lack of personalized ads.
Facebook clearly isn’t holding back on its PR campaign, with this latest newspaper ad trying to sway readers that Apple’s changes are more about moving websites and apps into a paid model where Apple stands to benefit from in-app purchases and subscriptions.
With full-page ads in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and the Washington Post, Facebook is also very clearly trying to convince regulators (i.e. people that still read paper newspapers) to look at Apple’s privacy changes.