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Apple makes another App Store Fee Concession regarding Digital Classes

1 x Cover App Store


Apple said on Monday that companies that offer digital classes or virtual events through iPhone apps won’t have to use Apple’s App Store in-app purchases through June 2021, enabling them to charge their customers directly without Apple’s 30% commission fee.


The extension will help businesses by giving them more time to hold paid digital events rather than in-person events during the Covid-19 pandemic, without the additional fee.


“Although apps are required to offer any paid online group event experiences (one-to-few and one-to-many realtime experiences) through in-app purchase in accordance with App Store Review guideline 3.1.1, we temporarily deferred this requirement with an original deadline of December 2020,” Apple wrote on its developer blog. “To allow additional time for developing in-app purchase solutions, this deadline has been extended to June 30, 2021.”


An Apple spokesperson did not have a comment beyond Monday’s announcement.


Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked about the company’s policies around virtual classes and events at a congressional hearing in July by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler.


Tim Cook stated: "The pandemic is a tragedy, and it’s hurting Americans and many people from all around the world, and we would never take advantage of that. I believe the cases that you’re talking about are cases where something has moved to a digital service, which technically does need to go through our commission model." For more, read the full CNBC report.


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