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Five Beijing Apple Stores are to Reopen Tomorrow with Firm Restrictions

1 x Cover Apple Sanlitun


Apple will be reopening five of their stores in Beijing starting tomorrow with reduced opening hours. Many of its other stores, like this one in mainland China will remain shut as the country continues to battle a coronavirus outbreak. However, all of the stores that we checked in Beijing will be open starting tomorrow (01, 02, 03 04 & 05).


Apple currently has 42 retail stores in mainland China, in addition to 5 in Beijing, 7 in Shanghai, 5 in Jiangsu, 4 in Liaoning, 3 in Zhejiang / Chongqing / Tianjin / Guangdong, 2 in Shandong / Fujian / Sichuan , Henan / Yunnan / Guangxi each.


A report from China's 'My Drivers' website added that "Apple's official website also reminds users that they must wear a mask and cooperate with receiving a temperature test before entering a resumed retail store." 


10.0F Apple News


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