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December 2019

Apple Won 61 Patents Today covering a Project Titan Safety System, Eye-D Tracking, Headphones with Orientation Sensors & more

1 Cover Apple eye tracking system

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Apple wins Patent for a Virtual Acoustics Audio System for MacBooks that will Greatly Enhance Audio for Games, Sports and TV+

1 Cover Audio patent  Apple

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A few Samsung Granted Patents for December 2019: A Flip Phone, a Holographic Interactive Desk Globe & more

1 x Desk OLED Display Globe

Continue reading "A few Samsung Granted Patents for December 2019: A Flip Phone, a Holographic Interactive Desk Globe & more " »

Samsung wants to Kick Start 2020 at CES by introducing their Next-Gen Artificial Human-Like Assistant Platform Dubbed 'Neon'

1 xx2  Cover Neon Artificial Human

Continue reading "Samsung wants to Kick Start 2020 at CES by introducing their Next-Gen Artificial Human-Like Assistant Platform Dubbed 'Neon' " »

Apple Invents a Head Display Alert System that notifies the user on-screen that someone in the room requires their attention

1 - Apple HMD Hail System patent

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Future Apple HMD Device will use an Interaction Interpreter that understands Voice Commands, Hand Gestures & more


Continue reading "Future Apple HMD Device will use an Interaction Interpreter that understands Voice Commands, Hand Gestures & more " »

Apple Reportedly Shifting more Product Orders away from Taiwan to China's Supply Chain to tighten production costs

18.5  supply chain report

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Apple Sues Alan and Associates for Breach of Contract involving Falsifying Records of the Destruction of Trade-In iDevices

1 A2 Global Risk

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Apple Wins Patent for a Future version of the iPad Pro's Smart Keyboard Folio that includes new Touch Gesture Functionality

1 Cover smart keyboar folio - future functionality wins patent

(Click on image to Enlarge)

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Sony is unable to Keep up with Demand for their Image Sensors that leading smartphones like Apple's iPhone 11 Pro are using

1 X cover iphone camera iphone 11 pro

Continue reading "Sony is unable to Keep up with Demand for their Image Sensors that leading smartphones like Apple's iPhone 11 Pro are using" »

Apple's iPhone XR was the Top Selling Smartphone in the World in Q3 while the iPhone 11 Zoomed to #5 in its first 10 days

1 x cover JP iPhone XR

Continue reading "Apple's iPhone XR was the Top Selling Smartphone in the World in Q3 while the iPhone 11 Zoomed to #5 in its first 10 days " »

Samsung invents a Smartphone with a display that could expand when watching mobile TV or other types of apps

1 cover  samsung expandable display smartphone

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Facebook has been working on Smartglasses to Replace Smartphones that includes a secret new OS to make it happen

1 xCoverFinal -- operating systems 2023

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Suspicions are Rising that TikTok is a Spy tool for the Chinese Government as the U.S. Navy bans it as a Cybersecurity Threat

1 cover TikTok

Continue reading "Suspicions are Rising that TikTok is a Spy tool for the Chinese Government as the U.S. Navy bans it as a Cybersecurity Threat" »