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Apple's CEO weighs in on the Tragic Shootings in the U.S. this past weekend by saying that it's time to stop Finger Pointing

1 xx finger pointing

(Click on image to Enlarge)


With two mass shootings occuring in the United States this weekend in El Passo Texas and Dayton Ohio, Apple's Tim Cook tweeted his view on the matter. While Cook asked for the end of 'finger pointing,' the comments made below his tweet were the opposite of his wishes.  



One comment from Dan Ravicher, as shown below, pointed to Democrats being okay with killing hundred of thousands of babies a year but freak out when 30 adults are shot. While that's a fact (638,169 abortions in 2018 alone), it's not the time to be pouring gasoline on the fire.  



The finger pointing and divisions in the comments to Cook's commentary just goes to show the great divide between the two political parties in the United States that will extend far beyond the 2020 election.


The other Two Cook Tweets



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