Ivanka Trump and Apple's CEO visit Idaho's Wilder School District to Examine the School's new Focus on 'Subject Mastery'
Apple announced yesterday that to celebrate Computer Science Education Week, Apple created a new Hour of Code Facilitator Guide to help educators host sessions in their classroom using Swift Playgrounds and other iPad apps. Swift Playgrounds is available as a free download in the App Store in 15 languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.
Today we're learning that Ivanka Trump and Apple's CEO are visting Idaho's Wilder school district to examine their use of technology. A report earlier this year noted that the rural Idaho school district was named top in the nation for innovation using iPads and more. A PDF press release on this from the AASA could be found here. AASA is the premier association for school system leaders and serves as the national voice for public education and district leadership on Capitol Hill.
The stop by Invanka is the latest in a series of tours by Trump as part of her work with the National Council for the American Worker.
The Idaho Statesman reported that "Apple’s donation is a key ingredient in Wilder School District’s plan to move next fall toward an education system based on mastery of subjects, not hours spent in a classroom. The plan will do away with regular class periods as students use their devices to guide their education and teachers become more like mentors, said Superintendent Jeff Dillon.
CNBC added that "Apple partnered with the Trump White House and Ivanka Trump in 2017 in an effort to focus on best practices for computer science and science, technology, engineering and math education in the United States."