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July 2018
Apple Buybacks have Mind Bogglingly Eclipsed the Value of Three Quarters of the Companies in the S&P 500
The make of the Smartphone that Exploded on a Ryanair Plane causing Panic is Still Unknown
Apple Bucked the Worldwide Smartphone Shipments Decline in Q2 2018 as Huawei Temporarily Knocked them into Third Place
The Smartphone Market Declined 7% in China for Q2 2018, with Apple Bucking the Trend
Apple has Recorded a new June Quarter Record with Revenue up 17% and EPS up 40%
Apple Wins 37 Patents Today Covering a Magnetic Vehicle Dashboard Accessory for iPad, Virtual Terrain Maps for Gaming & more
While Samsung's Q2 Smartphone Operating Profits fell Sharply, they begin to officially play up their future Folding Smartphone
Walmart Exploring the Subscription Video-Streaming Service Business to take on Amazon's Prime, Netflix and others
Samsung to announce a new Thermal Solution, larger Battery and more Storage for Note 9 plus new AI Alliance with Tencent
Apple Supplier Toshiba set to open Next-Gen 3D BiCS FLASH Memory Plant in 2019
Continue reading "Apple Supplier Toshiba set to open Next-Gen 3D BiCS FLASH Memory Plant in 2019" »
Apple's Late Co-Founder Steve Jobs began the war on Flash and U.S. Senators now want to deliver the last Blow
Speed Leaps offered by 5G Networks in 2019 will require High-Performance Thermal Solutions for Smartphones
Patently Apple's Week in Review Covers General Apple News, Patents, Legal Cases and Rumors
With Facebook's Stock taking the largest One-Day Drop in History, Class Actions against the Company began to Surface on Friday
Apple wins a Design Patent for 'AirPower' prior to its Launch
Continue reading "Apple wins a Design Patent for 'AirPower' prior to its Launch" »
While Google has launched the 'Smart Display,' Apple has yet to deliver on Phil Schiller's Vision
Apple Wins Patent for a Camera Lens Accessory System for Future iDevices and MacBooks
Consumer PCs with 10nm CPU's Delayed to Q4 2019, Apple Secures 'Time Bandits' for TV Series & Top iOS Apps for Q2 Revealed
Apple's Official Jumbo Photos of Opening Day at the new Apple Piazza Liberty Store in Milan
SpeakWare Inc. Sues Apple, Samsung & Microsoft for Patent Infringement Relating to Digital Assistants Controlling Appliances
See Video and new Photos of Apple's Piazza Liberty Store in Milan Italy on Opening Day
Apple Watch Grew 30% Year-over-Year in Q2 2018 due to new Asian Partnerships
Continue reading "Apple Watch Grew 30% Year-over-Year in Q2 2018 due to new Asian Partnerships" »
Spotify has more than Double the Subscribers than Apple Music
Continue reading "Spotify has more than Double the Subscribers than Apple Music" »