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March 2018
Apple reveals a Vital Safety System for Autonomous Vehicle's focused on eliminating Blinding Light Glare
A new Analytical Report Claims that Apple is on a Wild Hiring Spree for Engineers that Could Boost Siri's Popularity
Longtime Apple Supplier JDI Hopes to Gain new LCD based iPhone business this Year with a new Round of Funding
Both Apple and Samsung are working on Devices that will use transparent displays & support Augmented Reality
SpaceX wins approval from the FCC for their New Low-Orbit Global Broadband Satellite Network Service
Korean Law Firm Files Law Suit against Apple over Slowing iPhones with Record Breaking Number of Participants
U.S. Doctors are putting Patients in Charge with Apple's Health App Records Feature
Six new 'AirPower' Inventions surfaced today along with an all-new Flexible Battery Design for Scrollable Displays
Patent of the Decade: Apple Reveals an Unbelievable VR Experience System for Next-Gen Autonomous Vehicles
Microsoft Surprisingly announced that Executive VP of Windows Terry Myerson is out in a Company Shake-Up
Apple Patent envisions new Backside Force Touch Gestures for Added iDevice Functionality
NTBS Investigating Tesla Crash Suspected of being on Autopilot Killing Walter Huang, a new Apple Engineer
Taiwan's Visual Photonics Epitax may become Apple's Second Source for Epi Wafers related to VCSEL 3D Sensors
Since September 2017, Augmented Reality Apps using ARKit have Surpassed the 13 Million Download Mark
Samsung's newly Granted Design Patents Suggest the Company is Eying the Smart Drone Market
The Apple Piazza Liberty store in Milan with its Massive Water Fountain and Amphitheater is now Under Construction
Huawei introduced their new P20 smartphone yesterday in an Obnoxious Keynote Obsessed with the iPhone X
Apple Delivered a Passionate Keynote to Educators Today while introducing a new iPad with Apple Pencil & Specialty Software
Apple and India's Chairman of Telecom are at Odds again over Privacy and India may Sue Apple to force them into Compliance
Apple Won 55 Patents today covering Technology behind Face ID, a Virtual Noticeboard, Attachment Mechanisms and more
Foxconn Interconnect Technology set to Acquire Belkin for US$866 Million
Continue reading "Foxconn Interconnect Technology set to Acquire Belkin for US$866 Million" »
Apple may be working on an Equivalent to Microsoft's 'Paint 3D' for the iPad and a Future Mixed Reality Headset
New Project Titan Inventions Surface covering a Camera System for Autonomous Cab/Ride-Sharing Services & more
Apple is considering launching their new Worldwide Video Service sometime in 2019
Apple Reveals that Apple TV will Replay Tomorrow's Apple Event in Chicago 'After it Concludes'
Apple's Mixed Reality Headset Part 3 covers their work on Predictive and Foveated Displays and Systems
As Cook Talks Security in Beijing, the FBI is closer to calling on Congress to enact legislation mandating access to Smartphones
Apple Patent Points to Face ID coming to Apple Watch along with Band Sensors to Analyze Sports Performance and more
In 2018 Apple will be the 11th Smartphone Brand to cross the 10 Million user Mark in India
Apple's Mixed Reality Headset Part 2: A 3D Document Editing and Viewing System
Continue reading "Apple's Mixed Reality Headset Part 2: A 3D Document Editing and Viewing System" »
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Analyst Predicts a Foldable iPhone will Surface in 2020
Apple Expected to introduce new lower Priced iPads next Week at Education Event in Chicago
Sharp is vying for Apple's iPad Display Business
Continue reading "Sharp is vying for Apple's iPad Display Business" »