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The European Emergency Number Association thanks Apple for Adding Advanced Mobile Location in next Major iOS Update

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Yesterday Patently Apple posted a report titled "A Previews of iOS 11.3 Reveals new Features like a Battery Health Setting, more AR Experiences, Business Chat & more." One of the features that might have gone unnoticed was Apple's announcement of supporting Advanced Mobile Location (AML) to automatically send a user's current location when making a call to emergency services in countries where AML is supported. In certain circles in Europe, that was big news.


The European Emergency Number Association stated in a news article today by BenoƮt Vivier, Public Affairs Manager, that "today Apple announced today that iPhone's next update iOS 11.3 - available this spring - will support Advanced Mobile Location (AML). This technology is used when an emergency call is being placed to send accurate location data of the caller in distress directly to the emergency services.


EENA congratulates Apple for this great achievement that will make people safer and save lives. In the countries where AML is already operational on smartphones, many lives have been saved thanks to this technology (see here). The upcoming iPhone update is therefore a major improvement in the daily work of emergency and rescue services."   



For a few stories about AML being used around the world in emergency situations, check out this page. Many applauded an 8-year old boy in Lithuania who saved his father's life thanks to 112 education + Advanced Mobile Location


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