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January 2018
In Q4 2017, Apple's iPhone X and iPhone 7 Captured 47% of the Premium Smartphone segment in India
Apple has fixed the iOS Calculator Bug in iOS 11.3 Beta
Continue reading "Apple has fixed the iOS Calculator Bug in iOS 11.3 Beta" »
Wistron, Apple's iPhone Partner in India, Close to Finalizing Deal on new Plant that may Expand Production to include iPhone 6s
Apple Officially responds to the Government's new Investigation into Purposely Slowing older iPhones
The U.S. President Singled Apple out during his State of the Union Address for their Plans to Spend $350 Billion in the U.S.
The DOJ, Securities and Exchange Commission are now Investigating Apple over the Issue of Slowing Older iPhones
Apple's SVP of Software is applying the Brakes on a String of iOS Features and rescheduling them for 2019
Apple Won 42 Patents Today Covering the Technical side of the iPad Pro Keyboard, an Apple Store Monitor and more
Big Day for Apple's AirPod Case as the U.S. Patent Office Grants Apple Five Patents for their Popular Accessory
Apple Wins Patent for a Video Headset that could change Perspective when Viewing Live Events such as Concerts & Sports
December Stats show iPhone X was #1 in Urban China and in the top three best-selling Devices in Europe, Japan & U.S.
Apple Announces Changes coming to macOS Servers this Spring
Continue reading "Apple Announces Changes coming to macOS Servers this Spring" »
Apple's VP of Internet Services says Apple Pay is the World's most Accepted Contactless Payment Technology
Qualcomm Stops their fight with the Taiwanese Government and agrees to pay their US$803 Million Fine for Abuse of Power
Chip-Making is a Sport for Technology kings and Apple's A11 Bionic Chip is only the Beginning of Great Advancements
Immersion settles Patent Infringement case against Apple while entering into a new Licensing Agreement
While Apple's iPhone X was the #1 Smartphone in Q4, the Nikkei claims it was Disappointing and invents Dire Results for Q1
New Ruling Provides Historic Increase in Music Royalties that will Likely lead to higher Prices for Apple & other Music Services
Apple Releases a Promotional HomePod Ad Titled "Distortion"
Continue reading "Apple Releases a Promotional HomePod Ad Titled "Distortion"" »
New Apple Ads Promote Grammy Nominated Tunes Animoji Style
Continue reading "New Apple Ads Promote Grammy Nominated Tunes Animoji Style" »
Apple Worldwide Video Hired Dana Tuinier as its Creative Executive to Work on their new 'Hello Sunshine' Comedy & more
Apple's SVP Retail Angela Ahrendts Attends Grand Opening of Apple Garosugil, Korea with new Smart Home Section
Intel Successfully Conducted the World’s First Over-the-Air 5G testing which opens the door for 5G Modems in 2018 iPhones
Intel Confirms that Silicon-based Changes Addressing Meltdown & Spectre will be arriving Later this Year
Apple overtakes Xiaomi in Smartphone sales in China in Q4 as Smartphone Growth in that Country begins to Slow
Apple Supplier TSMC Breaks Ground for new 5nm Plant that is set to be up and running at full capacity by 2020
Apple to end Samsung's exclusive OLED contract and Shift to a new L-Shaped Battery with Increased Capacity
New Report Points to a Massive iPhone Blitz coming in Q4
Continue reading "New Report Points to a Massive iPhone Blitz coming in Q4" »