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January 2018

Wistron, Apple's iPhone Partner in India, Close to Finalizing Deal on new Plant that may Expand Production to include iPhone 6s

1 cover Wistron new plant

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The U.S. President Singled Apple out during his State of the Union Address for their Plans to Spend $350 Billion in the U.S.

1 Cover  US President Trump  state of the union address 2018 mentions Apple ... - Copy

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December Stats show iPhone X was #1 in Urban China and in the top three best-selling Devices in Europe, Japan & U.S.

1 cover iphone x

Continue reading "December Stats show iPhone X was #1 in Urban China and in the top three best-selling Devices in Europe, Japan & U.S." »

Qualcomm Stops their fight with the Taiwanese Government and agrees to pay their US$803 Million Fine for Abuse of Power

1 X cover qualcomm logo

Continue reading "Qualcomm Stops their fight with the Taiwanese Government and agrees to pay their US$803 Million Fine for Abuse of Power" »

New Ruling Provides Historic Increase in Music Royalties that will Likely lead to higher Prices for Apple & other Music Services


Continue reading "New Ruling Provides Historic Increase in Music Royalties that will Likely lead to higher Prices for Apple & other Music Services" »

Apple Worldwide Video Hired Dana Tuinier as its Creative Executive to Work on their new 'Hello Sunshine' Comedy & more

18.3 COVER Apple Worldwide Video

Continue reading "Apple Worldwide Video Hired Dana Tuinier as its Creative Executive to Work on their new 'Hello Sunshine' Comedy & more" »

Intel Successfully Conducted the World’s First Over-the-Air 5G testing which opens the door for 5G Modems in 2018 iPhones

1 intel 5 g modem

Continue reading "Intel Successfully Conducted the World’s First Over-the-Air 5G testing which opens the door for 5G Modems in 2018 iPhones" »

Intel Confirms that Silicon-based Changes Addressing Meltdown & Spectre will be arriving Later this Year

1 cover Intel news

Continue reading "Intel Confirms that Silicon-based Changes Addressing Meltdown & Spectre will be arriving Later this Year" »

Apple overtakes Xiaomi in Smartphone sales in China in Q4 as Smartphone Growth in that Country begins to Slow


Continue reading "Apple overtakes Xiaomi in Smartphone sales in China in Q4 as Smartphone Growth in that Country begins to Slow" »

Apple Patent Describes Introducing 'Force Touch' Sensors into a Future Version of the Apple Watch Digital Crown

1 cover Apple Watch Crown

Continue reading "Apple Patent Describes Introducing 'Force Touch' Sensors into a Future Version of the Apple Watch Digital Crown" »

A Senior Engineer who just left Google Claims the Company 'Can no Longer Innovate' and just Copies their Competitors

1 X 2018 cover google

Continue reading "A Senior Engineer who just left Google Claims the Company 'Can no Longer Innovate' and just Copies their Competitors" »