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Apple Releases Three Security Updates Today for macOS High Sierra, EL Capitan and iOS

1 cover major security updates issue jan 8  2017


Apple released three security updates today as noted in the chart below. Apple's macOS updates deal with Intel's Spectre chip flaw. Earlier today we reported on Intel being hit with 7 or more Class Action lawsuits from across the U.S.




You could find more on the security issues from PCWorld and Business Insider.


Apple made a special call out today by stating "We would like to acknowledge Jann Horn of Google Project Zero; and Paul Kocher in collaboration with Daniel Genkin of University of Pennsylvania and University of Maryland, Daniel Gruss of Graz University of Technology, Werner Haas of Cyberus Technology, Mike Hamburg of Rambus (Cryptography Research Division), Moritz Lipp of Graz University of Technology, Stefan Mangard of Graz University of Technology, Thomas Prescher of Cyberus Technology, Michael Schwarz of Graz University of Technology, and Yuval Yarom of University of Adelaide and Data61 for their assistance.


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