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Apple's Tom Gruber, Co-Founder of Siri, Spoke at TED2017 Today about Augmented Memories and more



Thomas Robert "Tom" Gruber is a computer scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur with a focus on systems for knowledge sharing and collective intelligence. He did foundational work in ontology engineering and is well known for his definition of ontologies in the context of artificial intelligence. He's better known to Apple fans as the co-founder of Siri Inc that Apple acquired in 2010. One of the earliest patents from Gruber for Apple regarding Siri and Active Ontology dates back to 2010. One of the key patent figures is presented below. Gruber spoke today at TED2017 being held in Vancouver, Canada.



Tom Gruber asked the audience, "How smart can our machines make us? What's the purpose of artificial intelligence? Is it to make machines intelligent, so they can do automated tasks we don't want to do, beat us at complex games like chess and Go and, perhaps, develop superintelligence and become our overlords? No, says Gruber — instead of competing with us, AI should augment and collaborate with us." Gruber added that "Superintelligence should give us superhuman abilities."


Taking us back 30 years to the first intelligent assistant he created, which helped a cerebral palsy patient communicate, to Siri, which helps us do everything from navigate cities to answer complex questions, Gruber explained his vision for "humanistic AI" — machines designed to meet human needs by collaborating with and augmenting us. Gruber invites us into a future where superintelligent AI can augment our memories and help us remember the name of everyone we've ever met, every song we've ever heard and everything we've ever read.


Gruber further noted that "We have a choice in how we use this powerful tech. We can use it to compete with us or to collaborate with us — to overcome our limitations and help us do what we want to do, only better. Every time a machine gets smarter, we get smarter."


Gruber believes that AI could one day play a role to assist those with dementia and Alzheimer's be able to retain more memories so that those afflicted could have a life of dignitiy and connection instead of a life of isolation.


When Grubers full TED talk is publicly made available, we'll post a follow-up report in the coming months.


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