Spotify's Low Penalty Licensing Settlement Seen as a Reward for Bad Behavior
Judge Sheri Pym warns the Press of Long Security Process for the Apple-FBI hearing on Tuesday

Apple's Manager of User Privacy will be Testifying in Court Next Tuesday

10. 0 PA NEWS -



On Tuesday we posted a report titled "Apple's Latest Court Filings Express Fear of Retaliation for Creating GovtOS and Anger over Gov't Misuse of Power," wherein we presented the full Supplemental Declaration filed with Court from Apple's Manager of User Privacy Erik Neuenschwander. In that declaration, he noted that "There would also be a burden on the Apple employees responsible for designing and implementing GovtOS. Those employees, if identified, could themselves become targets of retaliation, coercion, or similar threats by bad actors seeking to obtain and use GovtOS for nefarious purposes. I understand that such risks are why intelligence agencies often classify the names and employment of individuals with access to highly sensitive data and information, like GovtOS. The government's dismissive view of the burdens on Apple and its employees seems to ignore these and other practical implications of creating GovtOS." Today we're learning that Neuenschwander will be testifying for Apple on Tuesday.


On a call with reporters including The Verge today, we further learned that Apple attorneys said the company's arguments at the Tuesday hearing would focus on the statutory limits of the All Writs Act, rather than any errors the government may have made in resetting the iCloud account associated with the phone in question. The hearing is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 22nd at 1pm PT.


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