Protest Group 'Fight for the Future' Schedules Feb. 23 for Mass Protest Against the FBI Court Order to Hack an iPhone
Yesterday Apple's CEO started a firestorm by loudly protesting the court order compelling them to assist the FBI in opening one of the smartphones used by the terrorists in the San Bernardino attack. We covered this exploding issue in five key reports (one, two, three, four and five). Late yesterday the non-profit organization called 'Fight for the Future' whose mission is to ensure that the web continues to hold freedom of expression and creativity at its core while being free of interference or censorship and full privacy. The group is planning to hold a formal protest on February 23 in front of every Apple Store encouraging protesters to bring signs or use their downloadable iPhone sign as noted in our cover graphic. An alternative sign can be found here.
The group notes on their website that "Governments have been frothing at the mouth hoping for an opportunity to pressure companies like Apple into building backdoors into their products to enable more sweeping surveillance. It's shameful that they're exploiting the tragedy in San Bernardino to push that agenda," said Evan Greer, Fight for the Future's campaign director, "Security experts agree that any weakening or circumvention of security features on a phone puts everyone in danger. Encryption is what protects our airports, power plants, and hospitals. If the FBI succeeds in forcing Apple to help them hack into an iPhone, it will open the floodgates and set a dangerous precedent that will inevitably lead to more suffering and loss of life."
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