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Drama from Steve Jobs Movie Director: Companies like Apple are so Powerful that even Governments are Unable to Hold them to Account

10. 0 PA NEWS -


English film director, producer and screenwriter Daniel Boyle who directed the biographical drama based on the life of Steve Jobs has quite the dramatic flair. After Aaron Sorkin put a bullet in the film 'Steve Jobs' by lashing out at Apple's current CEO Tim Cook recently, Boyle was out in full force in an effort to whip up the drama for the movie's debut this Friday. Boyle stated that the "blowback from Apple has been intense with company leaders like Tim Cook slamming the picture."


The Wall Street Journal adds that "Mr. Jobs’s allies, led by his widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, say the film "Steve Jobs," and other recent depictions, play down his accomplishments and paint Mr. Jobs as cruel and inhumane. Ms. Jobs repeatedly tried to kill the film, according to people familiar with the conversations. She lobbied, among others, Sony Pictures Entertainment, which developed the script but passed on the movie for financial reasons, and Comcast's Universal Pictures, which is releasing the $33.5 million production on Friday. 


Boyle is trying to whip up frenzy by playing up to the conspiracy-cultists who love to hear about how evil corporations are trying to stop the defenders of truth from speaking out. Oh how dramatic!


Variety, a premier source of entertainment quotes Boyle saying "These corporations … and they're so vast now, will be unhappy, because they're all about total control. It's not been the easiest passage."


Boyle added that "These people have changed our world. Whether we like that or not, we are in the midst of that change; it's impossible to see where it will end, so you need to be able to hold them up to the microscope. These people are having an enormous influence on our lives and sometimes they're so powerful that governments, or the law, are unable to hold them to account."


Oh my, thank god that Daniel Boyle is here to save us. This is where a card is held up to the TV studio audience telling them to applaud on cue.




Boyle continued his argument stating that "with companies like Apple, Facebook, Google and others transforming the way we share information, find out about events and engage in commerce, artists have a duty to investigate the technological revolution unfolding around us."


Only after Steve Jobs died did these opportunistic vulture-like "investigators" come out of the woodwork to save us all from Apple delivering more iDevices that could control our minds, said laughingly. And to debut their movie, that so many close to Steve Jobs are repulsed by, on the anniversary week that Steve Jobs died – is a real shame.


But for conspiracy lovers and those who hated Steve Jobs, your investigative Daniel Boyle will finally tell you the truth about Steve Jobs that everyone knew about for a decade or more this coming Friday. And remember: It will be the truth and nothing but the truth, Hollywood style (Ha!).


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