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The New Salesforce App for "Outlook for the Mac" is Now Available


Everyday millions of people around the world use Outlook and Salesforce to help run their businesses. In Office 2013, Microsoft introduced Apps for Office to let their partners add capabilities to Office, to extend it and integrate it with the services that users use every day to help them be even more productive in Office.


As part of our ongoing strategic partnership with Salesforce, the new Salesforce App for Outlook is announced to give users a great new way to work with Salesforce right from within Outlook. This lets users view Salesforce contacts, leads, accounts and opportunities in the context of an email from a customer.


Salesforce for Outlook works with Outlook 2013, Office 365, Outlook for Mac and the Outlook Web App (OWA).


Video: Mac Set-Up


The Salesforce App for Outlook is currently in beta and requires a subscription to Salesforce Enterprise Edition (or higher). The app works with Mac and Windows and Outlook 2013 and Outlook Web App today. Below is a set-up video for the Mac.




One PC Version Screenshot



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