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January 2015

This week Samsung Won a Design Patent for a New Smartphone with Top-Side Pop-up Feature that’s a Mystery


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Apple Posts $74.6 Billion Revenue Fueled by All-Time Record Revenue from iPhone and Mac Sales

1af cover - Apple Financials Related

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A Microsoft Patent Surfaces at the U.S Patent Office with New Surface Hub Revelations


Yesterday Microsoft introduced the new Surface Hub for enterprise collaboration and meetings during their Windows 10 event. Microsoft noted that their new Surface Hub, as noted in the video above, would introduce Skype for the enterprise, be able to manipulate 3D CAM files using multitouch, use their Surface pen to make annotations and mark-up materials on screen and more. In yesterday's presentation Microsoft introduced two features or apps called "Meetings" and "Brainstorming." As the New Year began, the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office published one of Microsoft's patent applications covering the basics of their new Surface Hub interactive display that our Patently Mobile IP blog discovered today. The patent filing shows us some new customized gestures that the Surface Hub may introduce along with a few other interesting facts. While I'm sure that there will be a number of future patent filings on this invention over time, for today, the timing of this initial patent application on the Surface Hub couldn't have come at a better time.

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Apple is the First U.S. Company Agreeing to have their Products Submitted to Chinese Authorities for Web Security Evaluations

Back in September we posted a report about Apple having to ensure China's Ministry that there were no hidden back doors to Apple's iOS 8 for the iPhone 6. The report noted that China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said it conducted "rigorous security testing" on the iPhone 6 and held talks with Apple on the issue, and that Apple shared with the ministry materials related to the potential security issues. We also posted a follow-up report titled "Apple's CEO Attended Top Level Meeting in China over Security." Just when we thought that this issue was over and done with, the Chinese-language Beijing News has opened the door all over again. Beijing News is reporting today that Apple's CEO Tim Cook had agreed to submit Apple products for web security evaluations by Chinese authorities. This was reportedly agreed to during a meeting between Tim Cook and Lu Wei, the chief of the General Office of the Central Leading Group for Internet Security and Information in December.

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USPTO Publishes Apple Touch ID & Orientation Audio Patents

30A - Patent Application LARGE
On January 22, 2015, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a series of three new Touch ID patent applications from Apple in addition to one that covers orientation based audio that Apple first revealed back in 2013.

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Apple Patent Reveals that Future iDevices may Adopt New Energy Efficient Radioluminescent or Photoluminescent Backlights

On January 22, 2015, the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals their work on improving the technology related to iDevice backlight units. Apple's invention covers new backlight technology that could potentially allow for high power efficiency while avoiding excessive battery drain. While this isn't an exciting whiz-bang invention, saving power can be realistically appreciated by everyone using any Apple MacBook or iDevice.

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