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Angry Apple Fans demanded a way to remove the Free U2 Album from their iTunes Library and Got It

10. News
Yesterday we received an email that stated the following: "To my surprise, U2, which I am not a music fan of, was automatically installed on my iPhone and iPad. What do you think about it? There should be a class action lawsuit for this." The email provided a link to a story by TechCrunch titled "Apple Just Uploaded a U2 Album to Your iPhone and iPad — And Seriously, WTF." While Apple has now provided a solution for this, it's a little difficult to understand the fire storm over receiving a free album from one of the greatest Rock'n Roll bands in the world.  


Matt Burns of TechCrunch ended his report … or rant (depending on how you read it) by stating that "Sadly you cannot totally purge the songs from your iTunes account. You can only hide the songs from the local iTunes account, but they will continue to live for all of eternity on your iCloud. Thanks, Apple."


Today, Apple has provided Apple fans with an iTunes account a way to remove the "Songs of Innocence" U2 album from their library as noted below. Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr's noted that Apple had received requests from customers for a way to delete the album from their library and so they set up an easy way to do that here. The amount of feedback that Apple received on this must have been overwhelming for them to have created such a quick solution and response.



Why some Apple fans would be so angry about receiving a free album to the point of calling for a "Class Action" lawsuit is baffling. I'm obviously missing some point here. To those of you that shared this collective anger, can you kindly send in a comment below so that our audience could understand your beef with Apple? I'd really like to understand what was so offensive. Cheers.


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