Developers Love iOS 7 Adoption Rates in Contrast to Android's deeply Fragmented Landscape for Smartphones & Tablets
When it comes to iBeacon Readiness, iOS-7 iDevices Score 87% vs. Android Devices at a Paltry 2.5%

Google Invents Micro Cameras for Future Smart Contact Lenses

1PAF. Google patent on cameras for contact lens wearable computer accessory
Last month Patently Apple pointed to a new wearable computer idea from Google that will be one of their Google Glass spinoff devices involving smart contact lenses. While our other IP blog called Patent Bolt will be covering many of Google's many patents on this subject throughout the coming week, the one that I wanted to bring to Patently Apple is one that discusses Google's intent to integrate micro cameras right in the very fabric of a future contact lens system. There's an adage that states "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." Google's former CEO Eric Schmidt knows that tune all-too-well as he was able to weasle himself right onto Apple's Board of Directors and learn what he could about Apple's coming iPhone to help Google's secret Android OS project. So even if you don't like Google, you still might want to understand what the other side is up to in repsect to important future trends like wearables. Additionally, if you happen to be a contact lens wearer yourself, then this idea my pique your interest. And yes, there are millions of contact lens users around the world. For more on Google's latest invention regarding contact lenses with built-in cameras, check out Patent Bolt's latest report.


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