Developers Love iOS 7 Adoption Rates in Contrast to Android's deeply Fragmented Landscape for Smartphones & Tablets
One of the reasons why developer's love Apple's iOS so much is that it's adoption rate within Apple's iDevice ecosystem is the fastest in the industry. Case in point, iOS 7 was introduced to the Apple community on September 13, 2013. Seven months later it's now on 87% of iDevices. Yet a quick look at Chitika's latest statistics on Android for smartphones it's clear there's a deeply fragmented landscape in place that's a nightmare for developers.
Chitika's latest report sampled tens of millions of U.S. and Canadian Android-based online ad impressions running through Chitika Ad Network between March 31 and April 6, 2014. The result for smartphones is noted in our cover graphic and the chart for Android on Tablets is noted below with yet a completely different fragmented landscape.
The importance of version and corresponding feature fragmentation on Android has been a long-debated issue by mobile app and Web developers. Feature fragmentation is likely to remain a major consideration for developers barring a major change in the Android business model.
Samsung witnesses testifying last week in the Apple patent infringement lawsuit trial stated that Android copied nothing from Apple's iPhone. That was funny, considering that their so-called smartphone was originally a non-touchscreen device. So why did they feel compelled to switch to multitouch? Was it because Apple was killing the market with it? These guys are circus clowns.
But to keep it simple for today, these smart advanced visionaries called the Android Team, the ones who think that they invented the smartphone first, can't even figure out how to distribute their latest OS versions to Android devices in a timely manner as clearly illustrated in the charts above.
Yes they're inventors alright, inventors of confusion as the charts above prove out. In this light, Google's attempt to reinvent history by stating that all of the patents in this Apple trial were first developed by the Android team is a smoke and mirrors side show bordering on serious delusionary fantasies. If they can't figure out how to distribute their OS properly seven years after the iPhone debuted, how can they be taken seriously by anyone that they're a smartphone innovator of any kind? Chitika's simple charts spell out the truth in color.
About Making Comments on our Site: Patently Apple reserves the right to post, dismiss or edit any comments. Comments are reviewed daily from 4am to 7pm PST and sporadically over the weekend. Statistical Charts from Chitika.