Will Apple and Samsung have a Patent Deal Next Week?
We reported last week that Apple and Samsung had restarted their talks over their patent dispute as ordered by Judge Koh who set a January 8 deadline. A top-level Samsung Official told The Korea Times today that "Yes. Working-level discussions are now underway." In fact, Samsung will have something to say about this at CES next week.
It was interesting to hear that officials at the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) and the Korea Fair Trade Commission had weighed in on the matter by stating that Samsung and Apple are "narrowing their differences" over royalty payments. The official added that "Samsung is currently in talks with Apple to sign a patent accord. The two companies are quite softening their positions on some contentious issues."
Curiously The Korea Times had another interesting quote, though interpreting it or reading too much into it would be a mistake. With that said, a Samsung executive stated: I will tell you more about that litigation in Las Vegas."
Does that mean that there's a breakthrough to be announced nex week to kick the New Year off on a positive footing or will Samsung try to use CES as a platform to spew out entrenching defiance against Apple to look like the tough guy (yawn)?
Of course we'll get the answer to that next week if Samsung's executive stays true to his word. Yet with their stock getting hammered over the last few week as rumors peg the Galaxy S4 as not being a hit this holiday season, Samsung may want this dispute behind them sooner rather than later. On the other hand, that may be nothing more than wishful thinking.
How do you call it? Will there be word of a deal next week or just more of Samsung's silly propaganda and loud rhetoric? Send in your comments.