The Rumors Return: Apple Considers Larger Displays for 2014 iDevices
According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple and its Asian suppliers are testing larger screens for iPhones and tablets. In recent months, Apple has reportedly asked for prototype smartphone screens larger than 4 inches and has also asked for screen designs for a new tablet device measuring slightly less than 13 inches diagonally. However, this type of iPhone rumor has been around for a while. In early June Reuters reported on iPhones in the 4.7 to 5.7 inch size.
Reuters reported in June that supply chain suppliers "have been approached with plans for the larger screens, but noted it is still unclear whether Apple will actually launch its flagship product in the larger sizes." In that light, today's Wall Street Journal report appears to add little to nothing new.
In fact it's really common sense that Apple's iPhone would eventually evolve to meet competing products have already shifted to larger smartphone displays to keep up with Samsung's Galaxy S4. In fact, the rumors of Apple only slightly boosting their next iPhone display size to 4.2 or 4.3 is more surprising to me that Apple is so slow at shifting gears on this front.
Even the news of a larger iPad display was covered in back in May. It's a display size that could theoretically double as a display for an Apple hybrid notebook tablet. So at the end of the day, The Wall Street Journal's big news isn't really that big after all - yet could act as a confirmation that larger displays for the iPhone and iPad are likely in the works.
Would you like to see the iPhone with a larger display? Send in your comments on what size you think would be ideal for a future iPhone.
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It is sort of makes sense. I think that it will happen in 2014. New resolutions came out every 2 years:
iPhone, 3G and 3GS - had a pretty nice resolution for that time
iPhone 4 and 4S - x4 pixels
iPhone 5 (and 5S?) - added pixels to the height
Future iPhone ? In 2014 - what I think: they will add width as it would be easier because current apps will just have a black borders on the sides which is not a big deal, it is not that noticable. They also may make a bigger screen in height, but without changing the height of the phone itself, by some-how eluminating or making smaller the traditional menu button (which I think would be hard to pull off in the right way).
Posted by: Geo | July 23, 2013 at 12:33 PM
@ ALex- It does not matter what you think!
People want different options on the screen size and no one can stop them from buying it.
Posted by: Samsung-We Know to Lie & Copy! | July 22, 2013 at 09:13 AM
I really don't see why people complain about screen sizes... The iPhone in my opinion has the best screen sizes there is and many people claim that iPhones are for people with little hands well wrong I have huge hands that I can hold a baseball and all my fingers actually touch and connect and yet I find the iPhone alot more comparable that my brothers Samsung .... Maybe I'm used to it or I'm more adapted to its smooth response ....
I also never seen anybody that could multitask the their Samsung Galaxy sDevice with one hand while eating cereal with the other
iPhone 5 ALL THE WAY!!! 🎉🎊
Posted by: Alex | July 22, 2013 at 08:38 AM
i would like to see a wider screen. maybe 4.7 inches...
Posted by: kevin | July 22, 2013 at 07:36 AM