Business is Business: Apple uses Samsung's PCI Express SSD's for MacBook Air and Future MacBook Pros
On Saturday we reported that Apple will use Samsung as one of the main suppliers for the next generation iPad and iPad mini displays. Today we've learned that Apple's relationship with Samsung had begun months earlier and that it covers a wide range of components.
Technology news out of Korea this morning states that Apple's decision to make the leap to PCI Express SSDs for the newly upgraded MacBook Air will likely pave the way for their use in future MacBook Pro models when they refresh their line-up with Haswell processors from Intel.
PCI-Express connected SSDs are set to become mainstream technology within 18 months, states the report. Samsung is expanding the portion of NAND flash chips ― the main material for SSDs ― by applying a 10-nanometer level processing technology, according to a company statement.
The report added that Apple is also likely to use Samsung's ARM-based SSD controller, NAND chips and DRAMs that act as a cache.
Despite the patent war that is raging on between these two companies in public, the two continue to work with each other behind the scenes.
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