Samsung Working on a new Smartwatch: So What
Last month Patently Apple broke the news about a patent application from Apple that revealed an advanced wearable computer in the form of a bracelet that could double as a watch. Today, Samsung, with the help of Bloomberg, is promoting the story that Samsung has a Smartwatch in the making too. Lee Young Hee, executive vice president of Samsung's mobile business, told Bloomberg that they've "been preparing the watch product for so long. We are working very hard to get ready for it. We are preparing products for the future, and the watch is definitely one of them." Of course there were no details because they have to try and figure out what Apple is doing. However, we've discovered one of their smartphone designs that Samsung has worked on with designer Johan Loekito and it's just a watch. That's not what Apple is working on in the least. It appears that Samsung is working on a Smartwatch similar to the one Sony already has on the market and one like Apple has already done via their iPod nano as you'll see below.
One of Samsung's Original Smartphone Ideas
Remember now, Samsung is on record stating that "we've been working on the watch product for so long." Well, so long would translate to at least 2009 when they worked on a smartphone concept called the Samsung Proxima as you could clearly see below.
Yet Apple's Been There, Done That
Samsung's simplistic design was done years ago at Apple using their sixth generation iPod nano using a Hex Vision Metal Watchband (and there were many others wristbands available at the Apple Store). Apple's been there, done that.
Sony has been there for a while as well as you could see in the video below.
In the end, it's Samsung doing their Monkey See, Monkey Do routine and the press once again eating it up and dumbing down Apple's wearable computer to that of a simpleton's watch. If Apple is working on a new wearable device that's anything like their patent application suggests, then what we'll have is something so beyond a smartwatch that it'll be a joke to call it that. If you have the time, review Apple's patent application that we've hyperlinked in our opening summary and see for yourself.
So, Samsung is working on a new Smartwatch: So what.
I LOVE THIS SITE! Finally a site that calls it as it is! I love the "Of course they have to figure out what Apple is doing" line. Exactly what ran through my head when I heard the story.
Posted by: RadNuker | March 19, 2013 at 11:09 PM
Of course, Yacko. It's just the timing. Apple grabs headlines due to their patent so Samsung wants the pro-Samsung press to counter it. But there was no mention of a Smart watch until the patent came to light. They want the press to counter anything that will give Apple the limelight. They're a little demented that way of late.
Lee Iacocca once said: Lead, follow or get out of the way.
Samsung is a great follower, but a follower nonetheless. It may change over time, but for now, they're generally trying to mirror Apple in every way.
Posted by: Jack Purcher | March 19, 2013 at 10:28 AM
While it is Samsung copying, it might have to do it as a defensive position. Assuming an Apple iWatch is real, imagine Apple creating something that syncs to both iOS and Android devices. This would be the ideal entry point corrosive to Android. A watch whose features everybody wants and a presence that introduces normal Android users to the Apple way of doing things. Sure many would not switch, but like Windows on Macs, it will eventually carve off a small portion of users and convert them to Apple customers. Obviously Samsung needs a competing watch to present to its user base.
Posted by: Yacko | March 19, 2013 at 10:19 AM